CHANGES IN VERSION 1.10.0 ------------------------- NEW FEATURES o Implement the TENxMatrix container (DelayedArray backend for the HDF5-based sparse matrix representation used by 10x Genomics). Also add writeTENxMatrix() and coercion to TENxMatrix. SIGNIFICANT USER-VISIBLE CHANGES o By default automatic HDF5 datasets (e.g. the dataset that gets written to disk when calling 'as(x, "HDF5Array")') now are created with chunks of 1 million array elements (revious default was 1/75 of 'getAutoBlockLength(x)'). This can be controlled with new low-level utilities get/setHDF5DumpChunkLength(). o By default automatic HDF5 datasets now are created with chunks of shape "scale" instead of "first-dim-grows-first". This can be controlled with new low-level utilities get/setHDF5DumpChunkShape(). o getHDF5DumpChunkDim() looses the 'type' and 'ratio' arguments (only 'dim' is left).