## ----setup, include=FALSE-------------------------------------------------- knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE) ## ----load_InterMineR, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE------------------------- library(InterMineR) ## ----source_function_load_data, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE--------------- # get HumanMine instance im.human = initInterMine(listMines()["HumanMine"]) # retrieve data model for HumanMine hsa_model = getModel(im.human) # all targets of HumanMine enrichment widgets possess InterMine ids subset(hsa_model, type %in% c("Gene", "Protein", "SNP") & child_name == "id") # load human genes which are associated with Diabetes (retrieved from HumanMine) data("PL_DiabetesGenes") head(PL_DiabetesGenes, 3) # get Gene.symbol hsa_gene_names = as.character(PL_DiabetesGenes$Gene.symbol) head(hsa_gene_names, 3) # get Gene.primaryIdentifiers (ENTREZ Gene identifiers) hsa_gene_entrez = as.character(PL_DiabetesGenes$Gene.primaryIdentifier) head(hsa_gene_entrez, 3) ## ----doEnrichment, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE---------------------------- # get all HumanMine widgets human.widgets = as.data.frame(getWidgets(im.human)) human.widgets ## ----enrichment_widgets_gene_targets, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE--------- # get enrichment, gene-related widgets for HumanMine subset(human.widgets, widgetType == 'enrichment' & targets == "Gene") ## ----go_enrichment_analysis, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE------------------ # Assign directly the doEnrichment.string from getGeneIds function to the ids argument of doEnrichment to perform the analysis # Perform enrichment analysis GO_enrichResult = doEnrichment( im = im.human, ids = hsa_gene_entrez, widget = "go_enrichment_for_gene" # organism = "Homo sapiens" # optional if results from more than one organism are retrieved ) ## ----doEnrichment_genelist, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE, eval=FALSE------- # # Perform enrichment analysis with genelist name instead of ids # GO_enrichResult = doEnrichment( # im = im.human, # genelist = "PL_DiabetesGenes", # # ids = hsa_gene_entrez, # widget = "go_enrichment_for_gene" # ) ## ----data_frame_enrichResult, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE----------------- # data.frame containing the results of the enrichment analysis head(GO_enrichResult$data) dim(GO_enrichResult$data) ## ----populationCount, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE------------------------- GO_enrichResult$populationCount ## ----notAnalysed, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE----------------------------- GO_enrichResult$notAnalysed ## ----im, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE-------------------------------------- GO_enrichResult$im ## ----parameters, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE------------------------------ GO_enrichResult$parameters ## ----go_filter, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE------------------------------- # get available filter values for Gene Ontology Enrichment widget as.character(subset(human.widgets, name == "go_enrichment_for_gene")$filters) # Perform enrichment analysis for GO molecular function terms GO_MF_enrichResult = doEnrichment( im = im.human, ids = hsa_gene_entrez, widget = "go_enrichment_for_gene", filter = "molecular_function") head(GO_MF_enrichResult$data) dim(GO_MF_enrichResult$data) ## ----prot_domain_changing_correction, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE--------- # Perform enrichment analysis for Protein Domains in list of genes PD_FDR_enrichResult = doEnrichment( im = im.human, ids = hsa_gene_entrez, widget = "prot_dom_enrichment_for_gene", correction = "Benjamini Hochberg" ) head(PD_FDR_enrichResult$data) # Perform enrichment analysis for Protein Domains in list of genes # but without a correction algoritm this time PD_None_enrichResult = doEnrichment( im = im.human, ids = hsa_gene_entrez, widget = "prot_dom_enrichment_for_gene", correction = "None" ) head(PD_None_enrichResult$data) ## ----convertToGeneAnswers, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE-------------------- # load GeneAnswers package library(GeneAnswers) # convert InterMineR Gene Ontology Enrichment analysis results to GeneAnswers object geneanswer_object = convertToGeneAnswers( # assign with doEnrichment result: enrichmentResult = GO_enrichResult, # assign with list of genes: geneInput = data.frame(GeneID = as.character(hsa_gene_entrez), stringsAsFactors = FALSE), # assign with the type of gene identifier # in our example we use Gene.primaryIdentifier values (ENTREZ IDs): geneInputType = "Gene.primaryIdentifier", # assign with Bioconductor annotation package: annLib = 'org.Hs.eg.db', # assign with annotation category type # in our example we use Gene Ontology (GO) terms: categoryType = "GO" #optional define manually if 'enrichIdentifier' is missing from getWidgets: #enrichCategoryChildName = "Gene.goAnnotation.ontologyTerm.parents.identifier" ) class(geneanswer_object) summary(geneanswer_object) #slotNames(geneanswer_object) ## ----filters_GO_&_pathways, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE------------------- as.character( subset(human.widgets, title %in% c("Gene Ontology Enrichment", "Pathway Enrichment"))$filters ) ## ----GO_terms_MF, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE----------------------------- # convert to GeneAnswers results for GO terms associated with molecular function geneanswer_MF_object = convertToGeneAnswers( enrichmentResult = GO_MF_enrichResult, geneInput = data.frame(GeneID = as.character(hsa_gene_entrez), stringsAsFactors = FALSE), geneInputType = "Gene.primaryIdentifier", annLib = 'org.Hs.eg.db', categoryType = "GO.MF" #enrichCategoryChildName = "Gene.goAnnotation.ontologyTerm.parents.identifier" ) class(geneanswer_MF_object) summary(geneanswer_MF_object) #slotNames(geneanswer_MF_object) ## ----piechart, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE, eval = FALSE------------------ # # GeneAnswers pieChart # geneAnswersChartPlots(geneanswer_object, # chartType='pieChart', # sortBy = 'correctedPvalue', # top = 5) ## ----barplot, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE, eval = FALSE------------------- # # GeneAnswers barplot # geneAnswersChartPlots(geneanswer_object, # chartType='barPlot', # sortBy = 'correctedPvalue', # top = 5) ## ----geneAnswersConceptNet, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE, eval = FALSE----- # # generate concept-gene network # geneAnswersConceptNet(geneanswer_object, # colorValueColumn=NULL, # centroidSize='correctedPvalue', # output='interactive', # catTerm = FALSE, # catID = FALSE, # showCats = 1:5) ## ----pseudo_foldChange, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE, eval = FALSE--------- # # generate concept-gene network # # for visualization purposes add a column of RANDOM numbers in geneInput # set.seed(123) # geneanswer_object@geneInput$random_values = rnorm(nrow(geneanswer_object@geneInput)) # # geneAnswersConceptNet(geneanswer_object, # colorValueColumn=2, # centroidSize='correctedPvalue', # output='interactive', # catTerm = FALSE, # catID = FALSE, # showCats = 1:5) ## ----geneAnswersConceptRelation, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE, eval = FALSE---- # # visualize the relations between the first two GO terms # geneAnswersConceptRelation(geneanswer_object, # directed=TRUE, # netMode='connection', # catTerm=TRUE, # catID=TRUE, # showCats = 1:2) ## ----buildNet, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE, eval = FALSE------------------ # # visualize interactions between the first five genes # buildNet(getGeneInput(geneanswer_object)[1:5,1], # idType='GeneInteraction', # layers=2, # filterGraphIDs=getGeneInput(geneanswer_object)[,1], # filterLayer=2, # netMode='connection') ## ----geneAnswersHeatmap, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE, eval = TRUE--------- # generate GO terms - Genes cross tabulation geneAnswersHeatmap(geneanswer_object, catTerm=TRUE, geneSymbol=TRUE, showCats = 5:10, cex.axis = 0.75) ## ----publication_enrichment, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE------------------ # publication enrichment analysis publication_enrichResult = doEnrichment( im = im.human, ids = hsa_gene_entrez, widget = "publication_enrichment") ## ----publication_conversion, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE------------------ # convert to GeneAnswer-class # use Gene.symbol values instead of Gene.primaryIdentifier (ENTREZ) geneanswer_pubs_object = convertToGeneAnswers( enrichmentResult = publication_enrichResult, geneInput = data.frame(GeneID = as.character(hsa_gene_names), stringsAsFactors = FALSE), geneInputType = "Gene.symbol", annLib = 'org.Hs.eg.db', categoryType = NULL, enrichCategoryChildName = "Gene.publications.pubMedId" ) class(geneanswer_pubs_object) summary(geneanswer_pubs_object) #slotNames(geneanswer_pubs_object) ## ----pub_piechart, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE, eval=FALSE---------------- # # GeneAnswers pieChart # geneAnswersChartPlots(geneanswer_pubs_object, # chartType='pieChart', # sortBy = 'correctedPvalue', # top = 5) ## ----pub_barplot, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE, eval=FALSE----------------- # # GeneAnswers barplot # geneAnswersChartPlots(geneanswer_pubs_object, # chartType='barPlot', # sortBy = 'correctedPvalue', # top = 5) ## ----pub_concept_gene_network, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE, eval=FALSE---- # # generate concept-gene network # geneAnswersConceptNet(geneanswer_pubs_object, # colorValueColumn=NULL, # centroidSize='correctedPvalue', # output='interactive', # catTerm = FALSE, # catID = FALSE, # showCats = 1:5) ## ----pub_gene_interaction, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE, eval=FALSE-------- # # copy the existing GeneAnswer-class object # geneanswer_pubs_object2 = geneanswer_pubs_object # # # replace Gene.symbol with Gene.primaryIdentifier values # geneanswer_pubs_object2@geneInput = data.frame( # GeneID = as.character(hsa_gene_entrez), # stringsAsFactors = FALSE) # # # generate gene interaction network # buildNet(getGeneInput(geneanswer_pubs_object2)[1:5,1], # idType='GeneInteraction', # layers=2, # filterGraphIDs=getGeneInput(geneanswer_pubs_object)[,1], # filterLayer=2, # netMode='connection') ## ----sessioInfo------------------------------------------------------------ sessionInfo()