## ----include=FALSE------------------------------------------------------- library(BiocStyle) knitr::opts_chunk$set(eval = FALSE) ## ----setup, include=FALSE------------------------------------------------ # knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE) ## ---- eval = FALSE------------------------------------------------------- # library(SPARQL) # endpoint = "https://opensparql.sbgenomics.com/blazegraph/namespace/tcga_metadata_kb/sparql" # query = " # prefix rdfs: # prefix tcga: # # select distinct ?case ?sample ?file_name ?path ?xs_label ?subtype_label # where # { # ?case a tcga:Case . # ?case tcga:hasDiseaseType ?disease_type . # ?disease_type rdfs:label 'Lung Adenocarcinoma' . # # ?case tcga:hasHistologicalDiagnosis ?hd . # ?hd rdfs:label 'Lung Adenocarcinoma Mixed Subtype' . # # ?case tcga:hasFollowUp ?follow_up . # ?follow_up tcga:hasDaysToLastFollowUp ?days_to_last_follow_up . # filter(?days_to_last_follow_up>550) # # ?follow_up tcga:hasVitalStatus ?vital_status . # ?vital_status rdfs:label ?vital_status_label . # filter(?vital_status_label='Alive') # # ?case tcga:hasDrugTherapy ?drug_therapy . # ?drug_therapy tcga:hasPharmaceuticalTherapyType ?pt_type . # ?pt_type rdfs:label ?pt_type_label . # filter(?pt_type_label='Chemotherapy') # # ?case tcga:hasSample ?sample . # ?sample tcga:hasSampleType ?st . # ?st rdfs:label ?st_label # filter(?st_label='Primary Tumor') # # ?sample tcga:hasFile ?file . # ?file rdfs:label ?file_name . # # ?file tcga:hasStoragePath ?path. # # ?file tcga:hasExperimentalStrategy ?xs. # ?xs rdfs:label ?xs_label . # filter(?xs_label='WXS') # # ?file tcga:hasDataSubtype ?subtype . # ?subtype rdfs:label ?subtype_label # # } # # " # qd <- SPARQL(endpoint,query) # df <- qd$results # head(df) ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # ## api(api_url=base,auth_token=auth_token,path='action/files/get_ids', method='POST',query=None,data=filelist) # df.path <- df[,"path"] # df.path ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # library(sevenbridges) # a = Auth(platform = "cgc", username = "tengfei") # ## get id (only works for CGC platform) # ids = a$get_id_from_path(df.path) # ## copy file from id to project with controlled access # (p = a$project(id = "tengfei/control-test")) # a$copyFile(ids, p$id) ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # library(sevenbridges) # ## create an Auth # a = Auth(url = "https://cgc-datasets-api.sbgenomics.com/", # token = "your_cgc_token") # a$api(path = "datasets") ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # a = Auth(url = "https://cgc-datasets-api.sbgenomics.com/datasets/tcga/v0", # token = "your_cgc_token") # (res = a$api()) ## default method is GET # ## list all resources/entities # names(res$"_links") ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # (res = a$api(path = "files")) ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # a$api(path = "files/schema") ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # (res = a$api(path = "files")) # get_id = function(obj){ # sapply(obj$"_embedded"$files, function(x) x$id) # } # ids = get_id(res) # ## create CGC auth # a_cgc = Auth(token = a$token, url = "https://cgc-api.sbgenomics.com/v2/") # a_cgc$copyFile(id = ids, project = "tengfei/tcga-demo") ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # body = list( # entity = "samples", # hasCase = "0004D251-3F70-4395-B175-C94C2F5B1B81" # ) # a$api(path = "query", body = body, method = "POST") ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # a$api(path = "query/total", body = body, method = "POST") ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # content(api(token = a$token, base_url = "https://cgc-datasets-api.sbgenomics.com/datasets/tcga/v0/samples/9259E9EE-7279-4B62-8512-509CB705029C")) ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # body = list( # "entity" = "cases", # "hasAgeAtDiagnosis" = list( # "filter" = list( # "gt" = 10, # "lt" = 50 # ) # ) # ) # a$api(path = "query", body = body, method = "POST") ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # body = list( # "entity" = "cases", # "hasAgeAtDiagnosis" = list( # "filter" = list( # "gt" = 10, # "lt" = 50 # ) # ), # "hasDiseaseType" = "Kidney Chromophobe" # ) # a$api(path = "query", body = body, method = "POST") ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # body = list( # "entity" = "cases", # "hasSample" = list( # "hasSampleType" = "Primary Tumor", # "hasPortion" = list( # "hasPortionNumber" = 11 # ) # ), # "hasNewTumorEvent" = list( # "hasNewTumorAnatomicSite" = c("Liver", "Pancreas"), # "hasNewTumorEventType" = list( # "filter" = list( # "contains" = "Recurrence" # ) # ) # ) # ) # a$api(path = "query", body = body, method = "POST") ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # content(api(token = a$token, # base_url = "https://cgc-datasets-api.sbgenomics.com/datasets/tcga/v0/cases/0004D251-3F70-4395-B175-C94C2F5B1B81")) # ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # get_id = function(obj){ # sapply(obj$"_embedded"$files, function(x) x$id) # } # names(res) # body = list("entity" = "cases", # "hasSample" = list( # "hasSampleType" = "Primary Tumor", # "hasPortion" = list( # "hasPortionNumber" = 11, # "hasID" = "TCGA-DD-AAVP-01A-11" # ) # ), # "hasNewTumorEvent" = list( # "hasNewTumorAnatomicSite" = "Liver", # "hasNewTumorEventType" = "Intrahepatic Recurrence" # ) # ) # (res = a$api(path = "files", body = body)) # get_id(res)