### R code from vignette source 'iCheck.Rnw' ################################################### ### code chunk number 1: iCheck.Rnw:53-126 ################################################### library(iCheck) if (!interactive()) { options(rgl.useNULL = TRUE) } # generate sample probe data set.seed(1234567) es.sim = genSimData.BayesNormal(nCpGs = 110, nCases = 20, nControls = 20, mu.n = -2, mu.c = 2, d0 = 20, s02 = 0.64, s02.c = 1.5, testPara = "var", outlierFlag = FALSE, eps = 1.0e-3, applier = lapply) print(es.sim) # create replicates dat=exprs(es.sim) dat[,1]=dat[,2] dat[,3]=dat[,4] exprs(es.sim)=dat es.sim$arrayID=as.character(es.sim$arrayID) es.sim$arrayID[1]=es.sim$arrayID[2] es.sim$arrayID[3]=es.sim$arrayID[4] es.sim$arrayID[5:8]="Hela" # since simulated data set does not have 'Pass_Fail', # 'Tissue_Descr', 'Batch_Run_Date', 'Chip_Barcode', # 'Chip_Address', 'Hybridization_Name', 'Subject_ID', 'gender' # we generate them now to illustrate the R functions in the package es.sim$Hybridization_Name = paste(es.sim$arrayID, 1:ncol(es.sim), sep="_") # assume the first 4 arrays are genetic control samples es.sim$Subject_ID = es.sim$arrayID es.sim$Pass_Fail = rep("pass", ncol(es.sim)) # produce genetic control GC samples es.sim$Tissue_Descr=rep("CD4", ncol(es.sim)) # assume the first 4 arrays are genetic control samples es.sim$Tissue_Descr[5:8]="Human Hela Cell" es.sim$Batch_Run_Date = 1:ncol(es.sim) es.sim$Chip_Barcode = 1:ncol(es.sim) es.sim$Chip_Address = 1:ncol(es.sim) es.sim$gender=rep(1, ncol(es.sim)) set.seed(12345) pos=sample(x=1:ncol(es.sim), size=ceiling(ncol(es.sim)/2), replace=FALSE) es.sim$gender[pos]=0 # generate sample probe data es.raw = es.sim[-c(1:10),] print(es.raw) # generate QC probe data es.QC = es.sim[c(1:10),] # since simulated data set does not have 'Reporter_Group_Name' # we created it now to illustrate the usage of 'plotQCCurves'. fDat=fData(es.QC) fDat$Reporter_Group_Name=rep("biotin", 10) fDat$Reporter_Group_Name[3:4]="cy3_hyb" fDat$Reporter_Group_Name[5:6]="housekeeping" fDat$Reporter_Group_Name[7:8]="low_stringency_hyb" fData(es.QC)=fDat print(es.QC) ################################################### ### code chunk number 2: iCheck.Rnw:137-138 ################################################### print(table(es.raw$Pass_Fail, useNA="ifany")) ################################################### ### code chunk number 3: iCheck.Rnw:143-149 ################################################### pos<-which(es.raw$Pass_Fail != "pass") if(length(pos)) { es.raw<-es.raw[, -pos] es.QC<-es.QC[, -pos] } ################################################### ### code chunk number 4: iCheck.Rnw:162-185 ################################################### plotQCCurves( esQC=es.QC, probes = c("biotin"), #"cy3_hyb", "housekeeping"), #"low_stringency_hyb"), labelVariable = "subjID", hybName = "Hybridization_Name", reporterGroupName = "Reporter_Group_Name", requireLog2 = FALSE, projectName = "test", plotOutPutFlag = FALSE, cex = 1, ylim = NULL, xlab = "", ylab = "log2(intensity)", lwd = 3, mar = c(10, 4, 4, 2) + 0.1, las = 2, cex.axis = 1, sortFlag = TRUE, varSort = c("Batch_Run_Date", "Chip_Barcode", "Chip_Address"), timeFormat = c("%m/%d/%Y", NA, NA) ) ################################################### ### code chunk number 5: iCheck.Rnw:225-245 ################################################### R2PlotFunc( es=es.raw, hybName = "Hybridization_Name", arrayType = "GC", GCid = c("128115", "Hela", "Brain"), probs = seq(0, 1, 0.25), col = gplots::greenred(75), labelVariable = "subjID", outFileName = "test_R2_raw.pdf", title = "Raw Data R^2 Plot", requireLog2 = FALSE, plotOutPutFlag = FALSE, las = 2, keysize = 1, margins = c(10, 10), sortFlag = TRUE, varSort=c("Batch_Run_Date", "Chip_Barcode", "Chip_Address"), timeFormat=c("%m/%d/%Y", NA, NA) ) ################################################### ### code chunk number 6: iCheck.Rnw:254-268 ################################################### print(table(es.raw$Tissue_Descr, useNA="ifany")) # for different data sets, the label for GC arrays might # be different. pos.del<-which(es.raw$Tissue_Descr == "Human Hela Cell") cat("No. of GC arrays=", length(pos.del), "\n") if(length(pos.del)) { es.raw<-es.raw[,-pos.del] es.QC<-es.QC[,-pos.del] print(dims(es.raw)) print(dims(es.QC)) } ################################################### ### code chunk number 7: iCheck.Rnw:276-296 ################################################### R2PlotFunc( es=es.raw, arrayType = c("replicates"), GCid = c("128115", "Hela", "Brain"), probs = seq(0, 1, 0.25), col = gplots::greenred(75), labelVariable = "subjID", outFileName = "test_R2_raw.pdf", title = "Raw Data R^2 Plot", requireLog2 = FALSE, plotOutPutFlag = FALSE, las = 2, keysize = 1, margins = c(10, 10), sortFlag = TRUE, varSort=c("Subject_ID", "Hybridization_Name", "Batch_Run_Date", "Chip_Barcode", "Chip_Address"), timeFormat=c(NA, NA, "%m/%d/%Y", NA, NA) ) ################################################### ### code chunk number 8: iCheck.Rnw:320-337 ################################################### quantilePlot( dat=exprs(es.raw), fileName, probs = c(0, 0.05, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.95, 1), plotOutPutFlag = FALSE, requireLog2 = FALSE, sortFlag = TRUE, cex = 1, ylim = NULL, xlab = "", ylab = "log2(intensity)", lwd = 3, main = "Trajectory plot of quantiles\n(sample arrays)", mar = c(15, 4, 4, 2) + 0.1, las = 2, cex.axis = 1 ) ################################################### ### code chunk number 9: iCheck.Rnw:347-365 ################################################### # note we need to take log2 transformation # if requireLog2 = TRUE. requireLog2 = FALSE if(requireLog2) { minVec<-apply(log2(exprs(es.raw)), 1, min, na.rm=TRUE) # suppose the cutoff is 0.5 print(sum(minVec< 0.5)) pos.del<-which(minVec<0.5) cat("Number of gene probes with outlying expression levels>>", length(pos.del), "\n") if(length(pos.del)) { es.raw<-es.raw[-pos.del,] } } ################################################### ### code chunk number 10: iCheck.Rnw:380-405 ################################################### plotSamplep95p05( es=es.raw, labelVariable = "memSubj", requireLog2 = FALSE, projectName = "test", plotOutPutFlag = FALSE, cex = 1, ylim = NULL, xlab = "", ylab = "", lwd = 1.5, mar = c(10, 4, 4, 2) + 0.1, las = 2, cex.axis=1.5, title = "Trajectory of p95/p05", cex.legend = 1.5, cex.lab = 1.5, legendPosition = "topright", cut1 = 10, cut2 = 6, sortFlag = TRUE, varSort = c("Batch_Run_Date", "Chip_Barcode", "Chip_Address"), timeFormat = c("%m/%d/%Y", NA, NA), verbose = FALSE) ################################################### ### code chunk number 11: iCheck.Rnw:414-427 ################################################### p95<-quantile(exprs(es.raw), prob=0.95) p05<-quantile(exprs(es.raw), prob=0.05) r<-p95/p05 pos.del<-which(r<6) print(pos.del) if(length(pos.del)) { es.raw<-es.raw[,-pos.del] es.QC<-es.QC[,-pos.del] } ################################################### ### code chunk number 12: iCheck.Rnw:444-453 ################################################### pcaObj<-getPCAFunc(es=es.raw, labelVariable = "subjID", requireLog2 = FALSE, corFlag = FALSE ) ################################################### ### code chunk number 13: iCheck.Rnw:460-481 ################################################### pca2DPlot(pcaObj=pcaObj, plot.dim = c(1,2), labelVariable = "memSubj", outFileName = "test_pca_raw.pdf", title = "Scatter plot of pcas (memSubj)", plotOutPutFlag = FALSE, mar = c(5, 4, 4, 2) + 0.1, lwd = 1.5, equalRange = TRUE, xlab = NULL, ylab = NULL, xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL, cex.legend = 1.5, cex = 1.5, cex.lab = 1.5, cex.axis = 1.5, legendPosition = "topright" ) ################################################### ### code chunk number 14: iCheck.Rnw:490-492 ################################################### tt <- es.raw es.q<-lumiN(tt, method="quantile") ################################################### ### code chunk number 15: iCheck.Rnw:505-533 ################################################### pcaObj<-getPCAFunc(es=es.q, labelVariable = "subjID", requireLog2 = FALSE, corFlag = FALSE ) pca2DPlot(pcaObj=pcaObj, plot.dim = c(1,2), labelVariable = "memSubj", outFileName = "test_pca_raw.pdf", title = "Scatter plot of pcas (memSubj)\n(log2 transformed and quantile normalized)", plotOutPutFlag = FALSE, mar = c(5, 4, 4, 2) + 0.1, lwd = 1.5, equalRange = TRUE, xlab = NULL, ylab = NULL, xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL, cex.legend = 1.5, cex = 1.5, cex.lab = 1.5, cex.axis = 1.5, legendPosition = "topright" ) ################################################### ### code chunk number 16: iCheck.Rnw:561-573 ################################################### res.limma=lmFitWrapper( es=es.q, formula=~as.factor(memSubj), pos.var.interest = 1, pvalAdjMethod="fdr", alpha=0.05, probeID.var="probe", gene.var="gene", chr.var="chr", verbose=TRUE) ################################################### ### code chunk number 17: iCheck.Rnw:583-599 ################################################### res.glm=glmWrapper( es=es.q, formula = xi~as.factor(memSubj), pos.var.interest = 1, family=gaussian, logit=FALSE, pvalAdjMethod="fdr", alpha = 0.05, probeID.var = "probe", gene.var = "gene", chr.var = "chr", applier=lapply, verbose=TRUE ) ################################################### ### code chunk number 18: iCheck.Rnw:607-623 ################################################### res.lkh=lkhrWrapper( es=es.q, formulaReduced = xi~as.factor(memSubj), formulaFull = xi~as.factor(memSubj)+gender, family=gaussian, logit=FALSE, pvalAdjMethod="fdr", alpha = 0.05, probeID.var = "probe", gene.var = "gene", chr.var = "chr", applier=lapply, verbose=TRUE ) ################################################### ### code chunk number 19: sessionInfo ################################################### toLatex(sessionInfo())