## ---- echo = TRUE, collapse = TRUE, results = 'markup', warning = FALSE, message = FALSE---- library("minfi") library("conumee") #RGsetTCGA <- read.450k.exp(base = "~/conumee_analysis/jhu-usc.edu_BRCA.HumanMethylation450.Level_1.8.8.0") # adjust path RGsetTCGA <- read.450k.url() # use default parameters for vignette examples MsetTCGA <- preprocessIllumina(RGsetTCGA) MsetTCGA ## ---- echo = TRUE, collapse = TRUE, results = 'markup', warning = FALSE, message = FALSE---- library("minfiData") data(MsetEx) MsetEx ## ---- echo = TRUE, collapse = TRUE, results = 'markup', warning = FALSE, message = FALSE---- library("CopyNumber450kData") data(RGcontrolSetEx) MsetControls <- preprocessIllumina(RGcontrolSetEx) ## ---- echo = TRUE, collapse = TRUE, results = 'markup', warning = TRUE, message = TRUE---- data(exclude_regions) data(detail_regions) head(detail_regions, n = 2) anno <- CNV.create_anno(exclude_regions = exclude_regions, detail_regions = detail_regions) anno ## ---- echo = TRUE, collapse = TRUE, results = 'markup', warning = FALSE, message = FALSE---- data(tcgaBRCA.sentrix2name) # TCGA sample IDs are supplied with the conumee package sampleNames(MsetTCGA) <- tcgaBRCA.sentrix2name[sampleNames(MsetTCGA)] tcga.data <- CNV.load(MsetTCGA) tcga.controls <- grep("-11A-", names(tcga.data)) names(tcga.data) tcga.data minfi.data <- CNV.load(MsetEx) minfi.controls <- pData(MsetEx)$status == "normal" controls.data <- CNV.load(MsetControls) ## ---- echo = TRUE, collapse = TRUE, results = 'markup', warning = FALSE, message = FALSE---- x <- CNV.fit(minfi.data["GroupB_1"], minfi.data[minfi.controls], anno) y <- CNV.fit(tcga.data["TCGA-AR-A1AU-01A-11D-A12R-05"], controls.data, anno) # use TCGA control samples for better results z <- CNV.fit(tcga.data["TCGA-AR-A1AY-01A-21D-A12R-05"], controls.data, anno) x <- CNV.bin(x) x <- CNV.detail(x) x <- CNV.segment(x) y <- CNV.segment(CNV.detail(CNV.bin(y))) z <- CNV.segment(CNV.detail(CNV.bin(z))) x ## ---- echo = TRUE, fig.show = 'hold', collapse = TRUE, results = 'markup', warning = FALSE, message = FALSE, fig.width = 14, fig.height = 7, out.width = "800px", fig.retina = 1---- #pdf("~/conumee_analysis/CNVplots.pdf", height = 9, width = 18) CNV.genomeplot(x) CNV.genomeplot(y) CNV.genomeplot(y, chr = "chr6") CNV.genomeplot(z) CNV.genomeplot(z, chr = "chr10") CNV.detailplot(z, name = "PTEN") CNV.detailplot_wrap(z) #dev.off() head(CNV.write(y, what = "segments"), n = 5) #CNV.write(y, what = "segments", file = "~/conumee_analysis/TCGA-AR-A1AU.CNVsegments.seg") # adjust path #CNV.write(y, what = "bins", file = "~/conumee_analysis/TCGA-AR-A1AU.CNVbins.igv") #CNV.write(y, what = "detail", file = "~/conumee_analysis/TCGA-AR-A1AU.CNVdetail.txt") #CNV.write(y, what = "probes", file = "~/conumee_analysis/TCGA-AR-A1AU.CNVprobes.igv") ## ---- echo = TRUE, collapse = TRUE, results = 'markup', warning = FALSE, message = FALSE---- citation("conumee") ## ---- echo = TRUE, collapse = TRUE, results = 'markup', warning = FALSE, message = FALSE---- sessionInfo()