contiBAIT v0.99.4 ============== - Added some core R dependencies to make things happy with the new devel version of R - Shortened some lines of code contiBAIT v0.99.3 ============== Bug fixes: - fixed error where strandTable removal in preprocessStrandTable was resulting in empty matrix - fixed error where combineZeroDistances was creating an empty matrix that was too small for some data - fixed bugs in contiBAIT: a) bug where error would occur if verbose=FALSE but saveFiles=TRUE (because this.message only produced if verbose is TRUE) b) changed linkage.groups to linkage.merged the second time reorientLinkageGroups is called contiBAIT v0.99.2 ============== (In response to first round of Bioconductor review). CLUSTERCONTIGS: -Now pre-creates the LinkageGroupList; more efficient than copy and replace MAKECHRTABLE: -Now returns GRanges object -All subsequent programs edited to take chrTable call as a GRanges -Divided chromosome table now included in makeChrTable, so dividedChrTable function removed -Ability to include additional split locations MERGELINKAGEGROUPS: -Now if clusNum is NULL, parallel clustering is not performed PLOTTING FUNCTIONS WITH GGPLOTS: -No longer return false positive issues with R CMD check MAPGAPFROMOVERLAP: -Retains data in GRanges, speeding up function GENERAL: -Simplified some longer one-liners. -Imported methods -All classes now have constructor functions contiBAIT v0.99.1 ============== IDEOGRAMPLOT: -fixed orientation issue. Now accepts OrientationTable to flip Watson and Crick reads MERGELINKAGEGROUPS: -fixed intermediate issue in mergeLinkageGroups where rownames were sometimes maintained and sometimes not after computeconsensus resulting in melt error. PREPROCESSSTRANDTABLE: - no longer looks for sex chromosomes. Was mostly pointless and didn't work well. Better method is to look for linkage groups with computeConsensus where consensus is mostly homozygous. REORIENTLINKAGEGROUPS -fixed bug where second iteration after mergeLinkageGroups was overwriting the OrientationTable. Now accepts a previousOrient argument if performing second reorientation. contiBAIT v0.99.0 (Submitted for BioC review 2016-01-20) ==============