# MultiAssayExperiment 0.99.198 ## New Features * `assayMatrix` function now creates a matrix from the `score` column in the metadata based on matching ranges # MultiAssayExperiment 0.99.194 ## New Features * Subsetting by non-character i (#108) * `PrepMultiAssay` helper function now available to aid in creating object (#122) * Vignette now building (#125) * Preliminary assay method for RangedRaggedAssay ## Bug fixes and minor improvements * superflous `subset` function removed * `sampleMap` uses character vectors instead of Rle * Elist order consistent when subsetting * mapToList preserves list order # MultiAssayExperiment 0.99.14 * NEWS file is now live! * Package now in `Bioc-devel`! * More to come! ## New Features * Replacement method for `colnames` now available for the `RangedRaggedAssay` class. ## Bug fixes and minor improvements * Documentation additions