CHANGES IN VERSION 1.14.0 ------------------------ NEW FEATURES o build 'alias' table in OrgDbs sqlite db for frog, chimp, rhesus and mosquito MODIFICATIONS o update AnnDbPkg template man to reference select() interface o work on makeOrgPackageFromNCBI: - error early when tax id is not found in gene_info.gz - add 'rebuildCache' arg to control repeated downloads - remove old code and comments - update man page o add PFAM and PROSITE man pages to NCBICHIP and NCBIORG package templates o allow passing of directory location in wrapBaseDBPackages() o change format of licence; report current version of AnnotationDbi o modify appendArabidopsisGenes() to check for null 'gene_id' o add DBI to 'Suggests'; load DBI in _dbconn man page o load SQLite in vignettes; no longer free from AnnotationDbi::dbFileConnect() CHANGES IN VERSION 1.8.0 ------------------------ NEW FEATURES o Adds support for making orgDb objects/databases for all NCBI taxIDs where there is sufficient data (for adding to AnnotationHub). This makes objects for 1100 organisms. CHANGES IN VERSION 1.6.0 ------------------------ NEW FEATURES o Adds support for a generalized makeChipPackage() function so that users with a probe that maps to an ID can make a chip package providing only that they have access to an org package (no .db0 package required). o Adds support for making new inparanoid8 databases (for loading into AnnotationHub) CHANGES IN VERSION 1.4.0 ------------------------ NEW FEATURES o adds more general mechanism for creating organism packages. makeOrgPackage() will now allow users to pass in a series of data.frames, and (provided that they are formatted correctly) will compile those into a gene-centric organism package. The aim is to provide a more general mechanism for people who are working on organisms that are off the beaten path. o updates to the documentation (new vignettes) to better clarify how users who need to make new organism packages should do so. CHANGES IN VERSION 1.0.0 ------------------------ o All of the code that used to live in AnnotationDbi but was primarily involved in the creation of new annotation packages now lives here. NEW FEATURES o New biocViews tags have been added to the code that generates all the new Annotation packages. These allow users to search annotation packages by the type of annotation package that they are. So for example you can now quickly list only the TranscriptDb packages by using the web site.