CHANGES IN VERSION 0.99.0 ------------------------- o To comply with Bioconductor guidelines, the random seed (for subsampling of samples and features for dispersion and correlation calculations) is no longer set inside the functions, and the argument is removed from `countsimQCReport()`. For reproducible results, please set the random seed explicitly in the R session. CHANGES IN VERSION 0.5.2 ------------------------ o Add options to silence progress indicators o Fixes in dispersion visualization CHANGES IN VERSION 0.5.0 ------------------------ o Add a number of quantitative evaluation criteria and tests for pairwise comparison of data sets o The argument `subsampleSize` to the `countsimQCReport()` function now determines the number of observations for which (time-consuming) statistics are calculated o A new argument `maxNForCorr` is added to the `countsimQCReport()` function to indicate the number of observations for which pairwise correlations are calculated o Improvements in documentation CHANGES IN VERSION 0.4.6 ------------------------ o Allow code folding when showCode = TRUE CHANGES IN VERSION 0.4.5 ------------------------ o Allow data frames or matrices as input (assuming design = ~ 1) o First implementation of area between ECDFs o Increase transparency of points in scatter plots CHANGES IN VERSION 0.4.4 ------------------------ o Included effective library size evaluation. CHANGES IN VERSION 0.4.2 ------------------------ o Allowed using just a subset of the samples for dispersion calculations. CHANGES IN VERSION 0.4.1 ------------------------ o Added pairwise sample and variable correlation distributions. o Added box plots and violin plots. CHANGES IN VERSION 0.4.0 ------------------------ o Major overhaul of function and argument names for increased consistency. CHANGES IN VERSION 0.3.2 ------------------------ o Added mean-variance plots. CHANGES IN VERSION 0.3.0 ------------------------ o Added K-S statistics. o Added line density plots.